

Recently, the New York Times highlighted Medellin's efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 with a very special mix of initiatives that bring together the administration, universities and private enterprises as a united front against the pandemic.

Join us next Wednesday, july 22th in a conversation with Catalina López Correa and Agostinho Joao Almeida, to learn more about the city's best practices and culture that have made it easier for all this to materialize.

Dr. Catalina Lopez-Correa

With more than 20 years of international experience in both the academic and private sectors, Dr. Catalina Lopez-Correa’s deep understanding of genomics and innovation has inspired leaders in science and industry to collaborate toward solving some of the world’s greatest challenges.

Executive Director #CanCOGeN initiative, former Chief Operating Officer at Ruta N Medellin (Business and Innovation Centre), Former CSO and Vicepresident Sectors at Genome British Columbia and Former CSO and Vice-president Scientific Affaires at Genome Quebec.

Catalina holds a Medical degree from the UPB in Colombia, a Master’s degree in Human Genetics from Paris V University in France, a PhD in Medical Sciences from the KULeuven in Belgium, and a mini MBA from McGill University in Canada.

Agostinho Joao Almeida

Biologist, PhD in Biomedical Sciences, and MBA in technology-based ventures; Agostinho Almeida, Portuguese, nationalized in Colombia, has extensive experience in life sciences, entrepreneurship, financing and capital management, especially in the application and use of technology.

He has worked in different sectors, as a teacher at different universities around the world, in private companies, and more recently, in the public sector, as COO of Ruta N (innovation center of Medellín-Colombia). In August 2019, he assumed the challenge of leading the Center for the 4 Colombia Industrial Revolution, attached to the World Economic Forum (WEF), leading different projects and initiatives to maximize the benefits of 4IR technologies.